Prevention in the Workplace - We Do What Works

Workplace harassment is a perennial problem that plagues organizations across industries. In an effort to “reboot workplace harassment prevention efforts,” the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commision (EEOC) has offered recommendations for the best approach. Backed by decades of research, Soteria Solutions’ workplace products combine all of the key ingredients for effective prevention and sustainable culture change. Here’s how:

We go beyond compliance to solve the problem of workplace harassment

The EEOC submits that thirty years of compliance training has yet to solve the problem of workplace harassment because most fall short of impacting organizational culture. They assert that fostering a culture of respect, civility, and accountability is the best way to prevent workplace harassment, and they believe workplace civility and bystander intervention hold “significant promise” as a solution. Our hallmark prevention strategy is aimed at increasing recognition and the interruption of problematic behaviors well before they reach the point of illegal conduct, and focused more on respect and accountability.

We empower bystanders.

Our prevention strategies highlight the important role that everyone plays in ending workplace harassment and equips them with the tools to identify and intervene when they witness harassing behavior, regardless of their position within an organization. What’s more, our proven prevention strategies avoid the typical “backlash effect” that follows many compliance trainings. Rather than alienate or blame would-be offenders, bystander intervention offers a compelling way of calling people in, making them part of the solution. 

We tailor interventions.

The EEOC recommends that training reflects the specific realities of different workplaces and different cohorts of employees. Soteria Solutions’ own researchers coined the social self-identification theory, demonstrating that the more the audience identifies with the message, the greater the impact it will have. We match our prevention expertise with your organizational expertise so that employees see themselves in the training scenarios, and so we develop harassment prevention strategies that meet our workplace clients’ needs. 

We do what works.

The EEOC notes that “effective training cannot occur in a vacuum;” it should be part of a holistic culture, conducted by subject matter experts who are dynamic and engaging, and routinely evaluated for effectiveness. Soteria Solutions offers engaging in-person programs facilitated by expert trainers with decades of prevention experience, a social media/marketing campaign, and an online module, each of which can be used individually or in combination for an even greater impact. We collect evaluation data before and after every training to ensure successful implementation, and our proven strategies are based on best practices, evidence-based prevention and response strategies, and our own effective prevention methods. 

Soteria Solutions is eager to help build organizational capacities using a train-the-trainer approach and offering technical assistance to support the sustainability of your efforts. Together we can leverage individual and organizational strengths to build safe and thriving working communities free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, and retaliation. Together we can create sustainable culture change that promotes respect, civility, and accountability.

Jennifer Scrafford