Shattering the Red Zone Summit

The first Shattering the Red Zone Summit was hosted by PAVE (Promoting Awareness | Victim Empowerment) and our own Jane Stapleton, Co-Founder and President of Soteria Solutions, was honored to be one of the panelists. Shattering the Red Zone Campaign is a national campaign dedicated to raising awareness and shattering the silence about college sexual violence. The Red Zone refers to the period during the fall semester when sexual assault is most prevalent.

This virtual summit included multiple panels with national leaders, survivors and researchers. Panel discussions included consent, alcohol and its effect on consent, combatting rape culture, institutional accountability and bystander intervention.

Jane Stapleton was one of two panelists who spoke about the importance of bystander intervention, the importance of prosocial bystanders and shared creative examples of how a bystander may choose (or not) to intervene. As Jane discussed, it is unlikely that we, as bystanders, are going to witness a sexual assault or a rape, but it is highly likely that we will witness actions that lead up to such acts and, through bystander intervention training and skill building, we can learn how to both recognize behaviors that we are likely to witness and increase our awareness of behaviors that have been normalized, but are not ok. By recognizing such behaviors, we can determine how and if we can then safely intervene.

We encourage you to watch the first Shattering the Red Zone Summit on YouTube. Jane’s panel section on Bystander Intervention begins at ~1:49.

Learn more about Bringing in the Bystander for College and Bringing in the Bystander for High School.

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Jennifer Scrafford